Sea Fit to stay healthy, physically and socially with this mid week social paddle.
We're kicking up the pace a little, and adding technique coaching and fitness tips
SEA FIT-ness welcomes beginner to intermediate paddlers for a midweek coached social.
This paddle interweaves a love for kayaking with exercises tailored to paddlers. It will be led by Aussie Tom (kayak guide / personal trainer) and E-J (guide / instructor). Each week we will focus on a different paddle technique and building up our fitness and paddle stamina, while exploring various routes around the Saanich Inlet.
While this is a coached session, the format is still relaxed to promote socializing and group growth. Both of your instructors bring many years of paddling experience, coaching, guiding and leadership.
Our typical adventure looks like this:
Gear and boat prep
Coaching intro and warm up on the dock
1.5 hours paddling, with a focus on the technique of the week​
We will meet weekly, April through October, with the potential to paddle year-round.
COST: $55 (includes certified instructors , kayaks, paddle, and safety equipment.)
Special discounted price for Pacifica storage customers: $35