We all love it when a seal pops up close to our kayak, right? It’s the perfect photo op when you can get the wildlife in the photo with you, but are we being considerate of the creatures we’re seeing?
We can share some of our favorite places to view marine life, as long as we all interact responsibly with creatures, big and small.
Best Spots: In Brentwood Bay most seals can be found by Butchart Cove and around the mouth of Tod Inlet. During lower tides however, many seals bask on the indicator in between Daphne Islet and Portside Marina. Keep your distance though because the water can be shallow and seals like to rest with their pups here. Seals also enjoy resting out by Senanus Island but keep your distance as it is currently closed due to environmental protection and restoration. In Swartz Bay some great places to see seals are just out of the Marina and by Killer Whale Point, the seals will be resting more at lower tide so timing your rental will get you the best viewing!
Spots at Swartz Bay: These spots (listed on the maps below) are common spaces that seals congregate in Swartz Bay! While mark 2 and 3 are calm and avoid most boat traffic, spots 1 and 4 can be filled with boat traffic and current can make the spots hard to rest at.

Transport Canada wildlife viewing regulations: Transport Canada is one of the regulatory bodies that states how far away and how long you are allowed to watch/follow marine life. Transport Canada states one must keep 100m of distance between whales, porpoises, and dolphins which shifts to 200m if with a calf or resting. The guidelines for viewing these animals are put in place to protect you and the wildlife from potential harmful encounters that disturb and/or disorient the animal. Breaking these rules especially in powered boats can get you charged under the fisheries act with fines up to 100,000 dollars.
What that means for paddlers: While kayaks are small, low profile, and quiet, we can still bother marine life especially since we often want to see them up close. In the spring and early summer seals are birthing pups and it is always important to remember that this is their home and we are just visiting. So enjoy your time on the water and marvel at the wildlife but just be careful to give our beautiful wildlife the space they need and deserve.
Until next time,
Pacifica Paddle